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course overview

Sign up to a course designed around you

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Clear your head and gain a new perspective

You will be guided to take a step back and gain perspective on all that is going on across your three life pillars - work, personal life and health.
Take a top-down view of your life
Gain perspective on all you have going on
Move your dreams and goals out of your head

Connect with your intuition and live with more flow

Use free-writing and mind-body exercises to tap into your intuitive mind, clarify your values and set meaningful goals from a state of hightened awareness.
Align to your guiding values and core strengths
Clarify what truly matters and find your true north
Set intrinsically motivated goals from a grounded place

Organise your mind and move forward with greater clarity

Explore the Life Compass system and use it to structure your goals and capture resources to empower your future self.
Structure your dreams and goals
Give future you a helping hand
Offload what's on your mind
THE life compass

A space to organise your mind and connect the dots of life

Demo the Life Compass
Life Compass Life Areas icon

Life Areas

View your life holistically and connect everything together.


Capture your biggest, boldest dreams so they remain front on centre.
Life Compass Goals icon


Set goals for the year and consistently work towards them.


Break large goals apart into achievable chunks track them using gantt charts.
Life Compass Task Manager icon


Write down your to-dos and connect them back to your Sub-Goals.

Ideas & Insights

Capture your ah-hah moments and relate them back to Life Areas.


See something that inspires you? Take a picture and store it for later.


Save useful Resources within Habit Areas for quick access later.
Life Compass Life Areas icon

Life Areas

Holistically connect the dots across your life and link it back to here.


Envision your brightest future. What would the very best version of your life look like?
Life Compass Goals icon


Outline your yearly goals and work towards making your dreams into reality.


Break large goals apart into achievable chunks track them using gantt charts.
Life Compass Task Manager icon


Write down your to-dos and connect them back to your Sub-Goals.

Ideas & Insights

Capture your ah-hah moments and relate them back to Life Areas.


Get creative and built custom Notion pages for pretty much anything.


Organise learning sources, take notes and store them for later.
Life Compass Knowledge Areas icon

Knowledge Areas

Form connections between ideas and build lasting knowledge.

Habits Areas

Gradually build habits to nourish your mind, body and soul.
Life Compass Habit Builder icon


Track activities to gradually build good habits that stick.
Life Compass Guiding Values icon

Guiding Values

Clarify what matters to you most in life and live accordingly.

Core Strengths

Outline what you're good at so you can play to your strengths.

Vision Board

Create beautiful vision boards to bring your dreams to life.


Create anything. An expense tracker, a journey, a beautiful poem. Anything.


Organise learning sources, take notes and store them for future access.
Life Compass Knowledge Areas icon

Knowledge Areas

Form connections between ideas and build lasting knowledge.
Life Compass Habit Builder icon


Track activities to gradually build good habits that stick.
Life Compass Guiding Values icon

Guiding Values

Clarify what matters to you most in life and live accordingly.

Core Strengths

Outline what you're good at so you can play to your strengths.
Life Compass home page, by Inner Compass
Life Compass navigation menu, by Inner Compass

Your personal life design system built in Notion

Life Compass is not just a planner. It's a bespoke system built around you, and belonging to you. It lives within your own Notion space and is fully customisable tyou.
Customisable to your own life
Beautifully designed
A joy to use

Clear you head

Free up your mental bandwidth by getting your goals, tasks, and learning out of your head.

Tap into intuition

Capture sparks of inspiration and moments of clarity in your Life Compass, before they slip away.

Organise your mind

Outsource your thinking into an external digital space and start connecting the dots of your life .
Life Compass Knowledge Areas icon

Build knowledge

Structure your learning and connect ideas into lasting knowledge.
Life Compass Habit Builder icon

Build habits

Stay motivated to keep working towards your goals by tracking your progress.

Build a legacy

Connect the dots from across your life to supercharge your creativity.
The community

Join an online community where you grow together

By enrolling on the Create Your Compass course you will be invited to join our private community where you can connect with course-mates and other Inner Compass alums.
A space to collaborate
A space to support one another
A space to share knowledge
A space to hangout
A space to form friendships
A space to inspire each other
course content

What to expect

When you enrol, you will be part of an intake of up to 12 other people. This is your cohort. Together you will join Jan (the founder) on a three week journey to adapt the Life Compass system to your own life.
12 people
in your cohort
3 weeks
of lessons
6 hours
of group coaching

What you'll learn

Week 1 · Align to your true north

Our minds in the digital age · Theory
We will explore how our rapidly digitising world is affecting our minds and bodies and how by freeing up our mental bandwidth we can create a sense of greater peace.
Notion as a digital note-taking system · Theory
An introduction to your new digital home - Notion. We walk you through the fundamentals of using Notion and explain what makes it so special for the purpose of organising your mind.
Introduction to the Life Compass · Theory
We will preview the Life Compass and its various components so you can begin to understand how it works and how you can apply it to your own life.
Set up your Life Compass · Activity
You will be guided through the process of setting up your Life Compass and be given the chance to explore its many features for yourself.
Clarify your guiding values · Activity
Using the power of breathwork, music and free-flow writing, you will be guided through an exercise to uncover and embody your guiding values.
Discover your true north · Activity
You will be given a moment to reflect on your guiding values and use them to craft a punchy personal values statement to express who you are and what you stand for.

Week 2 · Structure your goals

A model for personal wellbeing · Theory
Week 2 begins with a short intro to positive psychology theory and how you can use the Life Compass to begin applying the concepts within your own life.
Setting personally meaningful goals · Theory
We will explore the concepts of extrinsically and intrinsically motivated goal setting and how you can use intrinsic goals to create a greater sense of purpose and meaning in your life.
Structuring goals within your Life Compass · Theory
You will learn how to effectively define and structure your goals within your Life Compass and the mindset required to keep moving towards them over time.
Discover your core strengths · Activity
You will be guided to take a step back and reflect on what comes easily to you and how you can use your strengths to set meaningful goals.
Align to what's important · Activity
You will be taken through the process of viewing your life holistically and assessing where you would like to place your attention for the next year.
Outline your dreams and goals · Activity
Take a step back, align to your values and strengths, and set personally meaningful goals within areas of your life you would like to grow and create change within.

Week 3 · Organise your mind

Organising knowledge for future you · Theory
You will be taken through the Learning Space, a place to organise and bring together your learning and effectively create a personal knowledge hub for your future self.
A method for building better habits · Theory
Discover the Habit Builder, a place for gradually building new habits, and learn the theory behind building better habits and creating sustainable inner change.
Getting more done by doing less · Theory
Learn how to get more done by doing less using the Task Manager. You will be taken through a way to set smarter and more focused tasks, so you will not need to set as many.
Create your library of resources · Activity
Begin building your library of learning resources and start relating what you are learning to your Life Areas and Knowledge Areas.
Start building a new habit · Activity
Be guided through the process of selecting a habit to build and begin inputting your activities into the Habit Builder.
Bring everything together · Activity
Go back to your Life Areas and marvel at how everything you've inputted magically connects together. Learn how to use this as a creative superpower within your life.
Jan Demiralp - Founder of Inner Compass
Jan Demiralp - Founder of Inner Compass

Meet your guide 👋

Hello, my name is Jan. I used to design systems for large companies but I now teach people how to bring more order to their lives and live with greater flow.
I've always had a fascination with the human mind. In particular, the question of how to live more from a place of creative flow. So I spent over 6 years studying the many facets of the mind to discover what contributes to living an extraordinary life.
And the conclusion I got to led me back to my Self. Connecting to your intuition and staying in alignment with it, I realised, was the key to it all! Inspired, I created a course to help you align to your inner wisdom and a system keep you on track.
Not so long ago my external world was in chaos and my mind in disarray. It was through the Life Compass that I was able to weather the storm and navigate to calmer waters. My intention is to equip you with the tools and wisdom to do the same.
Sign up below
Course enrolment

Upcoming courses

By signing up you will receive 6 hours of group coacing, a copy of the Life Compass system, and be invited to join our private community.
you will get
6 hours of group coaching (over 3 weeks)
Life Compass Notion template
Invitation to the Inner Compass community
Guided exercises to clarify your values and strengths
Guided exercises to set and structure your goals
Free follow-up session a month after the course ends
Interested in enrolling with your team? We also run Create Your Compass workshops with companies.

Common Question

Is there anything I need before enrolling?
For the course, you'll need a laptop or PC, a stable internet connection and something to write with for the free-writing exercise.
How long does the course run?
The course runs over 3 weeks, with a 2-hour class at the same time each week. So in total, the course will be 6 hours of lesson time with some additional time required for the after-class exercises.
Notion? Never heard of it. Can I still enrol?
Absolutely! This is an introductory course and you will be guided through the basics of setting up your Life Compass within the online notetaking tool Notion.
Can I demo the Life Compass before enrolling?
Sure. You can navigate through a demo version we prepared for you. Note, however, you will not be able to modify anything like you would be able to if it was within your own personal Notion space.
What if I can't make any of the available dates?
As an academy we're pretty flexible with our course dates. If you'd like to enrol but can only make a certain day and time then you can let us know using this form. If enough people's times align then we'll reshuffle our course dates.
What happens if I miss a class?
Our classes are recorded over Zoom so you'll be able to catch up using the replay. Also, if you're lucky and another intake is not full, we could possibly move you into that group for the lesson you missed.
Something has come up. Can I change course dates?
If you would like to change course dates then you can let us know at least 7 days before the course starts so we have time to fill your spot and move you to another intake.

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