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Inner Compass Ursula minor constellation

Free your mind.
Live by design.

Welcome to Inner Compass, a place where we provide you with the tools and knowledge to overcome information overload, organise your mind and move forwards with greater clarity and purpose.

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Welcome to the academy designed for the information age

Our lives are speeding up

There is more information, more opportunity, more distraction, and more creative possibility today than ever before.

And our brains are stuggling to keep up

While our brains are awesome in so many ways, our pink mushy information centres didn't evolve for the digital world we live in.

So we built a system to help you out

We created a system called the Life Compass within Notion to help you organise your thoughts, structure your goals and stay focused on what matters most. Learn how to create your own on our three-week course.

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Discover the Life Compass
of where you want to go
to connect the dots
so when life gets complicated
you can keep moving forwards
towards a brighter future
Introducing the

A digital space you can use to...

Learn smarter by creating your very own learning library.

Organise your learning and build lasting knowledge

Free your mind and structure your thoughts

Set meaningful goals and keep them in focus

Stay connected to what matters most to you

Embark on ambitious creative projects

The course

Enrol to create your own Life Compass

Each month we host live courses where our founder Jan will guide you  through the process of adapting the Life Compass system to your own life and teach you how to use it to organise your mind, find direction and structure your goals.
Explore the course

A digital space you can use to...

Learn smarter by creating your very own learning library.

Organise your learning and build lasting knowledge

Free your mind and structure your thoughts

Set meaningful goals and keep them in focus

Stay connected to what matters most to you

Embark on ambitious creative projects

Oh, hello there.

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